Since the establishment of the cause over two hundred years ago, this church has moved with the times and yet some of the old traditions are still in existence and are an important part of the church’s calendar to this day.

Things like the Gymanfa Bwnc, held yearly on the last Sunday in April, the Gymanfa Bwnc includes holding three services with the Sunday schools of Blaen-y-coed, Bryn Iwan and Hermon taking part. Another traditional is the Gymanfa Ganu in the autumn, with six local chapels joining to hold three services of singing and worshipping.

A new and exciting chapter has begun with us recently. We have been without a minister for a quarter of a century, but now we are very fortunate to welcome the Reverend Gareth Ioan into our midst as our minister. We have already experienced his wise leadership and his concern over us as our minister.

With over twenty children and young people belonging to the church who are faithful members of the Sunday school, we are confident that the near future is looking to be a bright one. We also delight in the fact that the adults’ Sunday school has started once again since the lockdown. The numbers are not comparable with before, but there is reading, discussion, explanations and occasional debates still to be heard here on a Sunday. The children are kept busy with different activities: celebrating New Year, St David’s Day, the Gymanfa Bwnc and the Gymanfa Ganu, Thanksgiving and the Christmas presentation that brings the Nativity alive to us in different ways every year.

One tradition that has continued since it began in 1967 is supporting different charities by going around local houses of friends and families of the church to sing carols and raise money. By now we have contributed many thousands to good causes. We delight in the fact that we have eight organists to help us in accompanying services o the organ on a Sunday as well as two young girls who are Sunday school members who have been accompanying during the Gymanfa Ganu for the first time this year. It looks very promising for the future.

We are fortunate that we have a good team of members who are very active in many different ways so that the chapel door can be kept open. We shall go on confidently into the future ... together.

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