The latest news from Cytûn's Policy Officer, Revd Gethin Rhys regarding Covid-19 regulations
Following a vote in the Senedd last week, a change has come into force today in the Covid regulations for Wales - The only change is extending the use of ‘Covid passes’ (certification of vaccination or a negative test within the previous 48 hours) to theatres, concert halls and cinemas.
We have received confirmation from Welsh Government as follows - The covid pass would not apply to a place of worship or community centre that was showing a film or having a concert etc. This is because it remains a Place of Worship or Community Centre despite it occasional use otherwise. If it were dedicated to the purpose so that it were classed as a Cinema, Concert Hall or Theatre then the pass would apply.
I would add that it may be wise for places of worship who hold such activities, when drawing up the risk assessment for the occasion as required by the regulations, to consider whether asking for a Covid pass might be necessary. The decision whether or not to do so would be a matter for decision by the trustees/managers of the premises on the basis of risk.
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Information will also be posted on the Welsh Government website.