The Welsh Government announced that the legal requirement on premises (including places of worship and community centres) and organisers of events (including religious activities) to draw up a specific Covid-19 risk assessment will end on Monday April 18 (note that this means that the risk assessment regulations will remain in force on Easter Day). The amendment regulations can be seen here but the consolidated edition of the regulations showing all changes has not yet been published.
Until at least May 9, the legal requirement to wear face coverings in indoor health and social care settings will remain – and this includes places of worship and community centres when being used for those purposes.
Regulations requiring the drawing up of risk assessments under other legislation – such as health and safety, Safeguarding, fire regulations, etc – will remain in place, and where appropriate risks associated with Covid should be included in those assessments.
Welsh Government guidance regarding Covid safety remains in force, and for the moment that guidance is unchanged. It is linked from Cytûn’s web page here:
We expect Welsh Government to publish new guidance during the coming week. Due to the Easter break, we will not be able to update Cytûn’s web page further until Monday April 25.
Article by Cytûn's Policy Officer, Revd Gethin Rhys